Source: Verum Serum
I’m not using that word off-handedly as a slur. I mean that the actual content of some of the demands found in their forum, especially the big ticket items in the list, seem redder than Trotsky with a sunburn. For example:
Raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hour.
Wow! Guess what happens if you raise the minimum wage that high? Millions of the poorest people lose their jobs overnight. That’s day 1, 20% unemployment. Fortunately this Neo-Com has a solution for that:
Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.
So millions lose their jobs but keep their $20 an hour. Guess what happens the next day?
Day 2: Millions of people quit to stay home and earn their guaranteed $20 an hour! 40% unemployment, but who cares because:
Free college education.
Now that we can all get paid to not work, why not go back to school? Only problem with this is that some of the professors, administrators, staffers and all of the janitors have quit. Won’t matter though because you can’t get to school anyway:
Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end…
I think Obama’s already done that with his ridiculous new CAFE standards.
...while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.
Solyndra’s back in business, baby!
Open borders migration. Anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.
I’d like to travel to the upper class suburb where the guy who wrote this lives and move into his bedroom. He’s living on Wall Street so why not occupy his room?
Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.”
For a moment I thought this plan was, well…stupid. But now it’s starting to make sense. No more debt. Know what that means. When you come to pick up your $20 an hour check for not working, the teller smiles and says, “Sorry, our records show we don’t owe you anything.” So long as we do this every week, people will be not working for free and we won’t go broke. Not that we’ll know who is broke and who isn’t:
Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.
I suspect he’s sick of those commercials with the singing pirates.
These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy.
Yes, it sounds wonderful. Can’t wait for the revolution and the credit-report-free glory that follows.
I’m guessing this kid is 12 or 14 (or maybe I’m just hoping that and he’s really 27). In any case, we all had ideas like this at one time so I’m not picking on him per se. Point is, eventually you grow out of this kind of nonsense, usually after you’ve worked a couple jobs. Based on this example, I’m not sure the occupy wall street folks are there yet.
I wonder how many of them have jobs and how many of them have held jobs for more than, say, 6 months. Would make a great video clip. So, what do you do for a living? [blank stares]
Marc Moranoo, Climate Depor
Excerpt From The Hill - January 30, 2011
White House official cites ‘education problem’ on climate By Ben Geman
President Obama’s top science adviser said there’s a need to “educate” GOP climate change skeptics on Capitol Hill as the White House seeks to advance its green energy agenda. “It is an education problem. I think we have to educate them,” said John Holdren, who heads the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. [...] Holdren, asked about advancing Obama’s agenda in the face of [Congressional] skepticism, said the scientific evidence of dangerous human-induced climate change is powerful. “The science of climate change is really very clear in its essentials,” Holdren said on Platts Energy Week. [Video of Holdren here. End article excerpt]
Climate Depot Response: It is John Holdren who desperately needs remedial climate science education! Holdren has laid bare his scientific ignorance and alarmist ideology for all the world to see on multiple occasions over the past 40 years.
See: Scientific Rube?: John Holdren ridiculed for claiming Arctic could be ICE FREE IN WINTER! Holdren ‘appears to have less scientific competence than most 1st graders’
John Holdren in 2009: “...if you lose the summer sea ice, there are phenomena that could lead you not so very long thereafter to lose the winter sea ice as well. And if you lose that sea ice year round, it’s going to mean drastic climatic change all over the hemisphere.”
Yes, you heard that correctly, Holdren, with his wealth of “scientific” acumen, actually believes the Arctic is in danger of losing WINTER sea ice. The website Real Science noted about Holdren’s claims: “Temperatures are well below freezing across the Arctic now, and about -20C near Greenland. They will continue to get colder for the next few months. New ice is forming at the rate of one Manhattan every minute and a half, in areas that were previously ice free.”
Update On John Holdren’s Arctic ‘Ice Free Winter’ ‘Looks like it probably won’t happen this winter, with temps averaging -30C and 181,086 Manhattans of ice in the Arctic’
Paging John Holdren! ‘A new Manhattan of ice forms in Arctic about every minute, in Holdren’s ice free winter’
Holdren has quite simply made a mockery of his PhD. It would be hard to find anyone less fit to “educate” people about climate science in Washington than John Holdren. It is sad to see an ideologically driven activist like Holdren posited as some sort of prestigious “science advisor” to the President of the United States.
Holdren, a Bitter Clinger
As the man-made global warming movement collapses scientifically, economically, and politically, Holdren is nothing more than a bitter clinger, hanging on to the last vestiges of yet another failed eco-scare. Holdren should try to first convince scientists that his fringe climate views are viable. See: SPECIAL REPORT: More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims - Challenge UN IPCC & Gore
Holdren has now been reduced to seeing every weather event as more “proof” of his unfalsifiable theories. See: Climate Astrologist ‘Science Czar John Holdren: The term ‘global warming’ is ‘a dangerous misnomer’ that should be replaced with ‘global climate disruption’
John Lennon Makes Scientific Chump Out of Holdren
But it gets worse for Holdren and his alleged ability to “educate” anyone on science matters. Pity poor John Holdren. He was bested scientifically by none other than the late John Lennon in 1970s on the issue of overpopulation fears.
John Lennon from the grave makes scientific chumps out of John Holdren & Paul Ehrlich! Flashback Lennon in 1970’s: ‘I don’t believe in overpopulation. It is a myth’—Lennon: ‘I think it is a bit of a joke the way people have made this overpopulation thing into a kind of a myth...I think whatever happens will balance itself out. It’s alright for us all living to saying ‘well there is enough of us so we won’t have any more. Don’t’ let anyone else live.’ I don’t believe in that. I think we have enough food and money to feed everyone.’
John Lennon and Yoko Ono were wiser and had more scientific ability than either of Holdren or Ehrlich!